
Greetings in the name of the risen Lord!

My name is Derek Knox.  I am a scholar, theologian, and educator. Two years ago, I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I love the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, and it brings peace, joy, and strength to my life. I also think that the principles of Mormonism serve as the best foundation for LGBT rights and equality. This blog records my heartfelt conclusions on these issues.

I pray and read the Scriptures every day and grow in love and wisdom. Before I write a blog post, I pray about it and ask God to grant me His best as I write. I’m grateful for my opportunity to serve the Lord and His children.

Please let me know what topics you would like me to explore or what questions you would like me to answer.

I can be followed on Twitter at @LDThinking.

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